Okay boys just got this one in from Toucan Hobby, the idiot that owned this tank, pretty much trashed it, the chassis is broke, pieces missing off the hull and turret, gear wires cut, 1/2 sprocket missing, to call this character a dope is an insult to dopes. This is what we have to sell, all the road wheels, which are metal, the springs, screws washers for them, its all there. 2 metal tracks, been painted an off green color. 2 (steel) drive gears, I tested them they both work fine. The tank has 360 turret rotation, airsoft and IR. So what you see in the pics you get. I'll send the turret top with the barrel which is fine, you can either repaint it, or take the stuff out and put it in your tank. All the parts are fine, any problems and Toucan Hobby will ship you free ones. No transmitter or any electronics/ battery's. This is a steal for someone who has a plastic version Leopard and wants to make it metal upgrade. Paint the tracks, wheels, use the steel drive gears and IR/airsoft 360 rotation.